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Collecting For Maya [4] (Level 55)
Note: This quest can only be done by Bowman class.
Victoria Island Quest

Item(s) Needed :

Dark Stone Gollem Rubble x 50

Wild Cargo's Eye x 50

Tauromacis's Horn x 50
Clang's Claws x 50
Diamond x 1


1. As for the last request, collect 50 Dark Stone Gollem Rubble.
2. Collect 50 Wild Cargo's Eye.
3. Collect 50 Tauromacis's Horn.
4. Collect 50 Clang's Claw.
5. Collect 1 Diamond.
6. Once you collected all the items, head back to Maya and give her the items.


A Level 60 shoe for Bowman (Gore Boots)

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