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Jane the Alchemist [2] (Level 40)
Victoria Island Quest
Item(s) Needed :
Malady's Experimental Frog x 30
Medicine With Weird Vibes x 100
Mushmom's Spore x 1
Drake's Blood x 3


1. Talk to Jane the Alchemist in Lith Harbor.
2. Collect 30 Malady's Experimental Frog from Malady .
3. Collect 100 Medicine With Weird Vibes from Wraith.
3. Collect 1 Mushmom's Spore from Mushmom.
4. Collect 3 Drake's Blood from Drake.
5. Talk to Jane the Alchemist in Lith Harbor once you have the collected items.


15 Power Elixir or 15 Mana Elixir + 600 experience

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