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Party Quest - Stage 3
You need to be at Level 21-30 to do the party quest

This level is another combination with 5 platforms (1 kitten as platform 1, 2 kittens as platform 2, and so on)

1. Walk to the right of the map and talk to Cloto.

2. The party members should get on the platform while you, the party leader should stand aside and click Cloto till you get the correct combination.

Tips* It is recommended that the party go through the combinations in numerical order:

1-2-3, 1-2-4, 1-2-5, 1-3-4, 1-3-5, 1-4-5, 2-3-4, 2-3-5, 2-4-5, 3-4-5

3. Keep trying the recommended combinations in numerical order till you get the correct combination.

4. Once you get the correct combination, the portal will be opened for the next stage.

Next Stage

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